pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (29권1호 27-32)
Effects of Mn, Cr, and Sr Additions on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Al-7Si-0.4Mg-1Fe Casting Alloy
Al-7Si-0.4Mg-1Fe 주조합금의 미세조직과 인장성질에 미치는 Mn, Cr 및 Sr 첨가의 영향
Jeong-Min Kim, Joon-Sik Park, Ha-Young Kim, Jae-Ik Cho*, Chang-Yeol Jung*
Hanbat National University, *Kwangju R&D Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
The microstructure of Al-7Si-0.4Mg-1Fe alloy mainly consists of aluminum dendrites, Al-Si eutectics, and Al5FeSi needles. When Mn was added to the alloy, the substantial amount of Al5FeSi phase was changed into Al(Mn,Fe)Si, however the needle-like morphology was almost unchanged. Combined additions of Cr or Sr with Mn to the base alloy resulted in rod-like Al(Mn, Fe,Si)Si phase. The tensile properties of as-cast alloys were enhanced by the Mn addition, especially when it was added with Sr. The tensile properties after T6 heat treatment was a little improved with 0.7%Mn addition, but Cr or Sr additions with Mn didn't show any positive effect on the properties of heat-treated alloys.
Casting, Aluminum alloy, Tensile Properties, Iron content.