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pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381


한국주조공학회지 (17권2호 158-163)

Properties of Bulk and Powder of Al_{86}Ni_6Ce_4Mg_4 Amorphous Alloy Produced by He Gas Atomization

헬륨가스분사법으로 제조된 Al_{86}Ni_6Ce_4Mg_4 비정질합금 분말과 성형재의 특

Cha-Hurn Bae, Sung-Gyoo Kim*, Byung-Woo Lee*, Heung-ll Park*, Hae-Yong Jeong

Pukyong National Univ., *Pukyong National Univ.


Properties of Al_{86}Ni_6Ce_4Mg_4 alloy powder produced by helium gas atomization process were investigated by using DSC, XRD, SEM and TEM. The powders below 32 μм in diameter were identified as an amorphous phase mixed with a α-Al phase. Al_{86}Ni_6Ce_4Mg_4 bulk alloy was manufactured by hot extruding the alloy powders at various temperatures, and the estimation of its mechanical properties was carried out subsequently. As a result, the bulk alloy extruded at the temperature below 450℃ exhibited the microstructure in which the near-spherical shape of some powders below 20 μм were nearly unchanged and fine voids between matrix and powders were formed during extrusion process. On the other hand, the tensile strength and elongation at room temperature for Al_{86}Ni_6Ce_4Mg_4 bulk alloy extruded at 450℃were 750 MPa and 7.5%, respectively.
