pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
The Journal of Korea Foundry Society is the official publication of Korea Foundry Society.
It accepts original papers of (1) research articles, (2) technical articles, and (3) industry·strategy·review articles on the foundry technology.
The first author and corresponding author should be members of the Korea Foundry Society. If they are not members, they should apply to membership before submission. However, there is an exception if editorial board admits. Please contact the Society office to become a member.
Korea Foundry Society
11, Yeongdeungpo-ro 27 gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, SEOUL, 07266, Korea
Tel: +82.2.2069.2877, Fax: +82.2.2069.2879
E-mail: kfs@kfs.or.kr , Homepage: www.kfs.or.kr
Duplicate Publication: The papers already published to other scientific journals or periodicals are not considered for publication. The published paper to this journal should not be submitted to other scientific journals.
Authorship: Author who meets all of the following conditions can be listed: 1) substantial contributions to concept and design, resource or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published.
Conflict-of-interest Statement: If there are any conflicts of interest related to individual author’s commitments or project support, it should be clarified and described in the manuscript.
If there are any ethical issues from the manuscripts, it should be first reviewed by Editorial Board and the recommendations should be processed by the Society.
Manuscript should be sent to the following address with copyright transfer agreement and author’s checklist. Copyright transfer agreement should be signed by all co-authors. File for accompanying letters can be downloaded from the homepage of the Society (http://www.kfs.or.kr).
It is published bimonthly on the beginning of even-numbered months together with the App. Version for the internet mobile service. Manuscript can be received at any time. The manuscript that does not keep the instruction for authors may be rejected before review. Certificate of receipt of manuscript is issued to the corresponding author via email.
Every manuscript received is circulated to three peer reviewers. The author’s name and affiliation is not disclosed during review process to reviewers. The review process can be repeated till three times if the request of revision is suggested by reviewers. If the re-review is repeated more than three times, it may not be considered for publication. If three reviewers do not agree to accept the journal, it may not be also considered for publication. Usually, first review process ends within three weeks.
Manuscript Editing: The finally accepted manuscript will be reviewed by the manuscript editor for the consistency of the format and the completeness of references. The manuscript may be revised according to the opinion of the manuscript editor.
The decision on the editing of the journal is made by the Editorial Board. The manuscript may be revised for the consistency of the editorial work as far as the content is not affected. Every manuscript submitted is not returned.
The copyright and the transfer right of the digital content of the published paper and journal together with the App. Version for the internet mobile service is owned by Korea Foundry Society.
Manuscript should be prepared in A4 paper with space of 30 mm from top, bottom, right side and left side. Font size should be 11.0 points, row space 200%. The format for word process program accepted is HWP and MS word DOC files. The language of the text can be not only Korean but also English. Full name or English name can be written in the parenthesis in the Korean text. English can be written if there is no available Korean translation, such as proper noun, geography, or name. The capital letter should be used for proper noun. Numeric characters should be written as Arabic letter. Metric system of weights and measures and SI unit should be used. Page number should be typed in the center of the bottom of page.
The list of content is as followings: Cover page, Title page, English abstract, Korean abstract, Introduction, Methods Results, Discussion (can be omitted for technical articles) for both research and technical articles, Contents, Analysis for industry·strategy·review articles, Acknowledgement, Reference, Tables and Figures in separate page.
In cover page, title, author’s full name and affiliation should be written not only in Korean but also in English. If the authors are more than or equal to two, there should be comma between authors. If the affiliation of authors is not identical, the superscript number should be marked to the name and corresponding affiliation. Bottom of cover page, telephone, and email address should be described. In the title page, the title in Korean as well as in English should be written.
Title, author’s name and affiliation are centered. Title should be simple and lucid so that the content of the manuscript is easily disclosed. The title beginning with “The study on”, or “The discussion on” should be avoided and any abbreviation is not allowed. Abstract should be written both in English and Korean with lucid expression. The length of English and Korean abstracts should be less than 100~250 and 150~400 characters, respectively. Abstract should be structured as followings; Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion in sequence. In the next line of abstract, five to seven key words should be written. The first word of the keywords should be capital letter.
For introduction, the purpose and the background should be written simply and lucidly. In Methods section, the methodology should be written precisely so that others can get same results with repeated experiment. The subtitle should be constructed as one paragraph. In the Results, objective fact should be disclosed. In the Discussion, author’s interpretation of the results, author’s opinion and process of inducing conclusion should be written simply. In Contents and Analysis, author’s obtained resource, summary, and analyzed opinion should be written in clear and simple ways.
The contributors who helped administrative work, assisted in the research process or participated in proof-reading etc. can be described. The financial support and its contents should be described.
1) In should be written in English.
2) If there is no English description from textbook of papers in Korean, it should be written by author’s translation or Romanization of the Korean characters provided by the National Institute of Korean Language available at http://www.korean.go.kr/.
Example) J.Y. Park: Munhaksokuiuihak, “The Korean Doctor’s Weekly”, (2003) 177-201
3) Maximum number of references should be about 30 except in case of Review article. The periodicals should be described in the order of author, journal name, title, volume, publication year, and page. For textbook, author, title, place of publication, publisher and publication year should be described in the order named. The official abbreviation of the journal name should be used. If there is no official abbreviation, the full name of journal may be written.
4) In the textbook, the citation should be marked in square brackets such as [1] according to the order of appearance in the text. No superscript should be used. If the multiple reference is cited, they are separated by comma such as [2,3] or [2-4].
5) The reference in the end of the manuscript should be in numeric order according to the order of appearance in the text. Title of textbook or paper should be written capital letter only for the first word. All authors should be described. Below examples are referenced:
Example: Periodicals
[1] K. Nyamekye, D. Askeland, S. Wei, R.C.Voigt, G.P.Pischel, W. Rasmussen and C.Ramsay: Trans. AFS, “A Review of Permanent Mold Castings and Their Effect on Heat Transfer in the Mold”, 102(1994) 869-876
Example: Textbook
[2] E. J. Vinarcik: John Wiley & Sons, High integrity die casting processes, (2003) 7
Example: PhD Thesis
[3] S.Y. Shim: Ph.D. Thesis, Gyeongsang National University, “Fabrication of Semi-Solid Al-Zn-
Mg Alloy by Cooling Plate Method and Characteristics of its Thixo-extrudate.”, (2010) 39
Example: Website
[4] Website, http://www.rheinfelden-alloys.eu/web/guest/anwendungsgebiete18
1) Tables and Figures should be lucid and simple and should be cited in the text. Title and the explanation of Tables and Figures should be written in English. The abbreviation used should be described as full name in the bottom of Tables or Figures. Although same words or numbers appear, they should be written repeatedly.
2) Photos or figures should be marked as Figures meanwhile tables should be marked as Tables. Tables and Figures should be printed in black and white.
3) Explanation for Figures should be in English. Number of Figures should be in a form of Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The first word of the title and explanation should be in capital letter. If there is more than or equal to two figures in same Figure number, it is written as Fig. 1(a)and Fig. 1(b).
4) Table number is written in the form of Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3. Title should be in paragraph or phrase. The first letter of noun and adjective should be written in capital letter in title. There should be no vertical line in the Table. Abbreviation in the Table should be re-described in its full name. The mark should be used in the order of a), b), c) and explained in the bottom line.
5) Figure files should be in jpg or ppt format. However, after the acceptance author should send the tif files with contrast degree equal to or greater than 600 dpi.
Any items, issues or cases not described in the Introduction to Authors should be decided by Editorial Board.