pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (31권2호 83-86)
Ni-Al Based Intermetallics Coating Through SHS using the Heat of Molten Aluminum
알루미늄 주물 위 용탕열을 이용한 Ni-Al계 금속간화합물의 연소합성 코팅
Han-Young Lee*, Yong-Jae Cho*,**
*Keimyung University, **Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
Ni-Al based intermetallic compounds of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) by the heat of molten aluminum and been coated on the aluminum casting alloy. The effects of the pouring temperature in casting and the thickness of casting substrate on SHS of the coating layer have been investigated. The experimental result showed that the reaction of the coating layer was activated with increasing the pouring temperature in casting and the thickness of casting substrate. However, the aluminum substrate was re-melted by the heat of formation for intermetallic compounds. Then, it was considered that some mechanical or thermal treatments for elemental powder mixtures were required to control the heat of formation for intermetallic compounds in advance.
Intermetallic, Coating, SHS, Synthesis, Aluminum, Casting, Heat.