pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (41권5호 411-418)
Effect of Ni or Cu content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Solution Strengthened Ferritic Ductile Cast Iron
고용강화 페라이트계 구상흑연주철의 미세조직 및 기계적 성질에 미치는 Ni 및 Cu의 영향
Hyeon-Sik Bang*, Sun-Joong Kim*, Soo-Young Song**, Min-Su Kim***,†
*조선대학교 첨단소재공학과, **㈜진흥주물 기술연구소, ***한국생산기술연구원 전북본부
In order to experimentally investigate the effect of Ni or Cu addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of high Si Solution Strengthened Ferritic Ductile cast Iron (SSF DI), a series of lab-scale sand casting experiment were conducted by changing initial concentration of Ni up to 3.0wt% or Cu up to 0.9wt% in the alloy. It was found that increase in Ni or Cu content in the alloy leads to increase in strength properties and hardness as well as decrease in ductility. The higher Ni or Cu content the SSF DI has, the higher fraction of pearlite was observed. At similar levels of Ni or Cu contents in the alloy, higher pearlite area fraction was observed in the Cu-containing SSF DI than that in the Ni-containing SSF DI. When the effect of the microstructure on the mechanical properties of Nicontaining SSF DI was considered, Ni-containing SSF DI was found to have excellent strength and hardness as well as good elongation when the pearlite fraction was controlled less than 10%. As the pearlite fraction in the Ni-containing SSF DI exceeds 10%, however, it shows drastic decrease in elongation. Meanwhile, gradual increase in strength and hardness, and decrease in elongation with respect to increase in pearlite fraction were observed in Cu-containing SSF DI. The different microstructure-mechanical property relationships between Ni-containing and Cu-containing SSF DI were due to the combined effect of the relatively weak pearlite stabilizing effect of Ni compared to that of Cu in high Si SSF DI, and matrix strengthening effect caused by the different amounts of those alloying elements required for similar pearlite fraction.
Ductile cast iron, Alloy design, Microstructure, Tensile property and Brinell hardness.