pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (43권6호 271-278)
Effect of the Impeller Rotation Speed and Inert Gas Flow Rate on Degassing Rate in the A356 Aluminum Melt
임펠러 회전속도와 불활성 가스 유량이 A356 알루미늄 용탕의 탈가스 속도에 미치는 영향
Hyeok-In Kwon*, Hoe-Gyung Jeong**, Seong-Il Jeong**, Ji-Woo Park*** and Min-Su Kim***,†
*전라남도환경산업진흥원, **㈜대유글로벌, ***한국생산기술연구원 전북본부
In the present study, A356 melt degassing experiments were conducted under various impeller rotation speed and inert gas flow rate conditions to determine changes in the melt temperature, composition and density during a degassing treatment. The melt temperature was found to decrease gradually as the degassing time increased, but a clear correlation between the impeller rotation speed or inert gas flow rate and the melt heat loss could not be confirmed. Regardless of the impeller rotation speed or inert gas flow rate, the Mg and Ti contents in the A356 melt scarcely changed, even after degassing for more than 10 minutes, while Sr contents decreased at the maximum degassing rate of 70 ppm. From a quantitative analysis of the degassing rate under each experimental condition based on the hydrogen concentration in the melt derived from the melt density and the degassing model equation, the inert gas flow rate was found to affect the degassing rate rather than the impeller rotation speed under the degassing operation condition employed in the present study.
Melt degassing, Rotation impeller degasser, Hydrogen removal and Process modeling.