pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (43권6호 294-301)
The Effect of Copper on Feeding Characteristics in Al-Si Alloys
The Effect of Copper on Feeding Characteristics in Al-Si Alloys
Young-Chan Kim* and Jae-Ik Cho*†
The effects of Cu on feeding and macro-porosity characteristics were investigated in hypo- (A356 and 319) and hypereutectic (391) aluminum–silicon alloys. T-section and Tatur tests showed that the feeding and macro-porosity characteristics were significantly different between the hypo- and hypereutectic alloys. The hole and the pipe in the T-section and the Tatur casting in hypereutectic alloy showed a rough and irregular shape due to the faceted growth of the primary silicon, while the results of the hypoeutectic alloys exhibited a rather smooth surface. However, the addition of Cu did not strongly affect the macro-feeding behavior. It is known that copper segregates and interferes the feeding process in the last stage of solidification, possibly leading to form more amount of micro shrinkage porosity by the addition of Cu. The macro porosity formation mechanism and feeding properties were discussed upon T-section and Tatur tests together with an alloying addition.
Feeding behavior, Macro-porosity, Al-Si alloy, T-section test and Tatur test