pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (43권6호 302-309)
Study on the Application of Casting Flow Simulation with Cut Cell Method by the Casting process
Cut Cell 방법을 활용한 공정별 주조유동해석 적용 연구
Young-Sim Choi*,†
In general, castings often have complex shapes and significant variations in thickness within a single product, making grid gen- eration for simulations challenging. Casting flows involve multiphase flows, requiring the tracking of the boundary between air and molten metal. Additionally, considerable time is spent calculating pressure fields due to density differences in a numerical analysis. For these reasons, the Cartesian grid system has traditionally been used in mold filling simulations. However, orthogonal grids fail to represent shapes accurately, leading to a momentum loss caused by the stair-like grid patterns on curved and sloped surfaces. This can alter the flow of molten metals and result in incorrect casting process designs. To address this issue, simulations in the Cartesian grid system involve creating a large number of grids to represent shapes more accurately. Alternatively, the Cut Cell method can be applied to address the problems arising from the Cartesian grid system. In this study, analysis results based on the number of grid in the Cartesian grid system for a casting flow analysis were compared with results obtained using the Cut Cell method. Casting flow simulations of actual products during various casting processes were also conducted, and these results were analyzed with and without applying the Cut Cell method.
Casting process, Casting flow simulation, Cut Cell, Cartesian mesh and Accuracy.