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pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381


한국주조공학회지 (44권6호 179-188)

Effect of Titanium on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Solution Strengthened Ferritic Ductile Iron

고용강화 페라이트계 구상흑연주철의 기계적 특성 및 미세조직에 미치는 티타늄 (Ti) 의 영향

Ji-Woo Hong*, Jin-Su Ha**, Chang-Young Choi**, Jin-Seok Jang**, Dong-Hyuk Kim**, Hye-Jin Song**, Dal-Hyun Do*, and Young-Jae Cho**

*Keimyung University, **Korea Institute of Industrial Technology

