pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (29권6호 251-256)
The Effect of Austempering Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of NICI and DCI for Rolls Used in Hot Rolling Mill
오스템퍼링 처리가 열간압연롤용 NICI재 및 DCI재의 미세조직 및 기계적 성질에 미치는 영향
Jae-Jin Kim, Seok-Jung Oh*, Kook-Jong Yoo**, Tirta Andy***, Eung-Ryul Baek***
AVL Korea, *Hyundai Steel Co., **Dongbu Steel Co., ***Yeungnam University
The effect of austempering treatment on mechanical properties of nodular indefinite chilled iron(NICI) and ductile cast iron(DCI) was investigated. In microstructural observation, matrix phase(pearlite and ferrite) was changed to ausferrite after austempering treatment both DCI and NICI. In case of NICI, decomposition of cementite(Fe3C) during austempering treatment was induced. After austempering treatment, mechanical properties such as hardness, tensile strength and impact toughness was improved in NICI and DCI. The wear resistance is slightly decreased because of decomposition of cementite during austempering treatment in NICI but impact toughness and strength is dramatically increased.
Nodular indefinite chilled iron (NICI), Ductile cast iron (DCI), Austempered ductile iron (ADI), Austempering treatment.