pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (29권5호 198-203)
Unidirectionally Solidified Cu Rod Fabrication Using Continuous Casting Apparatus with Cooled Mold
냉각주형식 연속주조장치에 의한 일방향응고 Cu 선재의 제조
Hoon Cho*, In-Sung Cho**
*Adv. Mater. Div., Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, **Center for e-Design, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
In order to manufacture copper ultra fine wire used for bonding wire in integrated circuit package, continuous casting process, which can produce high purity copper rod with small cross section, and wiredrawing process have to be optimized to prevent wire brakeage during entire manufacturing process of fine wire. The optimum condition for producing copper rod with mirror surface has to established by investigation of the effects of several parameters such as withdrawal speed, superheat and rod diameter on grain morphology of the cast rod and on its drawing characteristics to fine wire. The purpose of this study is to propose the optimized process parameters in continuous casting process in order to produce cast rod without internal defects, and to predict microstructure orientation suitable for wire drawing process.
Cu rod, Continuous casting, Simulation, Cooled mold, Wire, Microstructure.