pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (29권5호 225-232)
Formation and Microstructure Characteristics of β-Al5FeSi Intermetallic Compound in the Al-Si-Cu Alloys with the Variation of Fe Content
Al-Si-Cu합금에서 Fe 함량에 따른 β-Al5FeSi 금속간화합물의 형성 및 응고미세조직 특성
Bong-Hwan Kim, Sang-Mok Lee
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
For comprehensive understanding of the formation behavior of β-Al5FeSi phase in Al-Si-Cu alloys with the existence of Fe element, microstructure characterizations were performed using combined analysis of OM, SEM-EDS, XRD. Especially, experimental and predictive works on solidification events of β-Al5FeSi phase as well as other phases formed together with β- Al5FeSi have been carried out by using DSC analysis and Java-based Materials Properties software (J. Mat. Pro.). Primary and eutectic β-Al5FeSi phases were able to distinguish from each other on microstructures by their morphological features. Primary β- Al5FeSi phase was seen to have rough surface perpendicular to growth direction, indicating free attachment of solute atoms in liquid state. On the other hand, the eutectic β-Al5FeSi phase was formed with plain and straight surface during eutectic reaction together with α-Al phase. The eutectic reaction of β-Al5FeSi and α-Al phases was seen to be able to separate into each formation depending on cooling rate.
Al-Si-Cu, β-Al5FeSi, Intermetallic, Morphology, Growth behavior, Fe content, Cooling rate.