pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (29권3호 128-137)
Effects of Alloying Elements on the Mechniacal Properties of 3.6wt% C-2.6wt%Si Ductile Cast Iron Poured into Shell Stack Mold
쉘 스택 주조 3.6wt%C-2.6wt%Si 조성 구상흑연주철의 기계적 성질에 미치는 합금 원소의 영향
Hyo-Min Kim, Hae-Wook Kwon*, In-Dong Yeo**, Won-Sick Nam***
Graduated School of Yeungnam Univ., *Yeungnam univ., **Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, ***Haewon Ind. Co.
The effects of alloying elements on the mechanical properties of 3.6wt%C-2.6wt%C ductile cast iron poured into shell stack molds were investigated. The strength and hardness of the specimens obtained from the center layer in the 5-story stack mold were the lowest and those for other specimens were increased with increased distance from the center. The strength and hardness of the specimens obtained from the center layer were decreased with increased number of layers of the shell stack mold. The strength and hardness of the smaller specimens with the diameter of 9.5 mm were higher than those of 17.5 mm. On the other hand, the elongation of the former was lower than that of the latter. The strength and hardness were increased and the elongation was decreased roughly with the increased amounts of manganese and copper added, respectively. The strength and hardness were increased with the incrcased amount of molybdenum added to 0.40wt% and rather decreased with that to 0.80wt%. Those were greatly increased with the increased amount of tin added and the elongation was roughly decreased with it.
Cast iron, Ductile cast iron, Alloying element, Stack molding, Mechanical properties.