pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (29권2호 86-94)
Effect of Heat Treatment Condition on the Processing Window of 3.60wt%C-2.50wt%Si-0.80wt%Cu Austempered Ductile Cast Iron
3.60wt%C-2.50wt%Si-0.80wt%Cu 조성 오스템퍼드 구상흑연주철의 프로세싱 윈도우에 미치는 열처리 조건의 영향
Jung-Jee Park, Gap-Sung Seo*, Hae-Wook Kwon**
Graduated School of Yeungnam Univ., *Daehan Special Metal Co., **Yeungnam univ.
The effect of austenitizing temperature and time on the processing window of 3.60wt%C - 2.50wt%Si - 0.80wt%Cu ductile cast iron and that of the amount of copper added were investigated. The second stage reaction at 400oC was retarded with increased austenitizing temperature. The widest processing window was obtained at the lower austempering temperature with the increased time at the same austenitizing temperature. The width of the widest processing window was decreased with the increase of time at the same austenitizing temperature. The width of processing window was increased with the increased amount of copper added.
Cast iron, Ductile cast iron, Austempered ductile cast iron, Heat-treatment, Austempering.