pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (28권5호 237-241)
A Study on the Wear and Heat Resistance Properties of Durable Moldwash Conditions for Al Gravity Die Casting According to Mold Washing Process Condition
알루미늄 중력주조용 내구성 도형제의 도형조건에 따른 내마모 및 내열특성 연구
Eok-Soo Kim*, Jung NamGung**, Jin-Ha Park, Kwang-Hak Lee
University of Ulsan, * Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, ** Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology
This study has been carried out to investigate the wear and heat resistant properties of durable moldwash agent for Al gravity casting according to mold washing process conditions. The wear properties of coated specimen were performed by sliding wear testing machine and heat resistance were evaluated by measuring the loss of coated moldwash agent during emerging of coated specimen in Al melts. During testing, experimental variables were mold surface temperature, moldwash agent/distilled wear, and additive concentrations. The lower additive concentration and mold temperature caused the smooth surface roughness of coated specimen, It was found that the specimen coated with moldwash/water ratio 1:3, additive concentration 9wt% and mold temperature higher than 200 oC showed superior wear and heat treatment. Also, these results were supported by fluidity test.
Aluminum, Gravity casting, Durable moldwash, Wear resistance, Heat resistance.