pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (28권4호 170-174)
Mechanical Properties of High Strength Ductile Cast Iron for Brake Caliper
브레이크 캘리퍼용 고강도 구상흑연주철의 기계적 특성
Cha-Hurn Bae, Woo-Chul Lee*, Heung-Il Park, Hae-Yong Jeong
Pukyong National University, *Taejoo Industrial Co.
Mechanical properties of high strength ductile cast iron for the brake caliper of truck were investigated. Meanwhile the nodularity and nodule count decreased respectively from 92 and 95 to 80% and 60/mm2 with increased thickness, the volume fractions of graphite, pearlite and ferrite didn’t change much and were in the ranges of 12.0-13.5, 52.6-55.0 and 33.0-35.2, respectively. Hardness, tensile strength and elongation in the mechanical properties of the castings of brake caliper were BHN 241, 710 MPa and 9.5%, respectively.
Brake caliper, Ductile cast iron, Mechanical property.