pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (27권3호 131-134)
Melt Protection Property and Ignition Resistance Property of CaO added AZ91D Mg Alloy
CaO 이 첨가된 AZ91D 마그네슘 합금의 발화저항특성 및 ^탕보호복성 평가
Jin-Kyu Lee, Seong-Ho Ha, Young-Jig Kim, Hyung-Ho Jo*, Shae K. Kim*
Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea Institute o f Industrial Technology
SFs gas that is used as a protective cover gas for Mg and Mg alloys during melting and casting has extremely high greenhouse effect. CaO added Mg alloys could maintain their original mechanical properties and original abilities such as flu id ity and hot tearing susceptibility. The ignition temperature increased w ith increasing CaO addition under ambient atmosphere and nitrogen atmosphere. liie minimum amount o f SF6 gas decreased by 0.13 wt%CaO added AZ91D Mg alloy in the sealed condition.
AZ91D, CaO, Ignition resistance,Melt protection.