pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (27권2호 83-87)
Tensile Properties of Plate Attached Open Cell Aluminium Foams
판이 부착된 개포형 발포 알루미늄의 인장특성
Bok Hyun Kang, Sung Duk Bu*, K i Young K im
Korea University o f Technology and Education, *Zalman Tech Co.
Aluminum plates o f the same materials as the foam were attached by the casting process inserting the foam as a core to investigate the tensile property o f open cell foams. Tensile properties o f the open cell 6063 aluminum alloy foam o f 10〜30 PPI were measured before and after heat treatment. Densities o f test specimens were between 0.14 and 0.29 g/cm3. Tensile strength o f the 6063 aluminum foam after heat treatment showed little change. C values were in the range o f 0.41 〜0.87 for as cast foams and 0.11 〜 0.27 for T6 heat treated foams in the eq. o f a*pi/ays = C(p/ps)L5, and increased with increase in the cell size.
Plate attached open cell foam, Tensile property, 6063 aluminum.