pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (27권1호 31-35)
Computer Simulation for Die Filling Behavior of Semi-Solid Slurry of Mg Alloy
Computer Simulation for Die Filling Behavior of Semi-Solid Slurry of Mg Alloy
Dockyoung Lee, Junghwa M o o n *, Hyunkwang Seok, Sungbin K im **, Kibae K im
KIST, *R&D Center, Dongyang Piston Co., **Anycasting Co.
In order to develop the semi-solid forming technology for magnesium alloy the rheological and thixotropic behavior of Mg alloy slurry with varying shear rates and cooling rates was investigated and simulated with considering the viscosity based on microstructures and processing variables. The viscosity of slurry of Mg alloy (AZ91D) in semi-solid region was exponentially increased with a solid fraction, and was decreased with increasing a shear rate. In order to analyze precisely the rheological behavior, the ANYCAST program modified with the Carreau model and the different heat transfer coefficient between the cast and mold was used to simulate the flow behavior of Mg semi- solid slurry during the injection into a casting mold in a high pressure diecasting machine. The simulated rheological behavior of Mg alloy slurry was matched well with the experimental results.
Semi-solid Forming, Rheology, Thixotropy, Viscosity, Filling behavior, Mg alloy.