pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (26권6호 241-248)
Effects of Si Content and Melt Treatment on the Fluidity of Al-Si Alloy during Squeeze Casting
알루미늄-규소 합금의 용탕단조시 유동도에 미치는 규소 함량 및 용탕 처리의 영향
Hagju Lee, Hae-Wook K w o n *
Tongmyoung University, *Yeungnam University
The effects of silicon content and melt treatment on the fluidity of Al-Si alloys during squeeze casting were investigated. The fluidity of Al-3.0 wt%Si alloy was found to be lower than that of Al-1.0 wt%Si and the fluidity of the alloy with more than 3.0 wt%Si increased with the silicon content upto 13.0 wt% and rather decreased with15.0 wt%. The fluidity was also increased by the separated treatment of grain refinement or eutectic modification, and even more by the simultaneous treatment of both. The fluidity of hypereutectic alloy was increased by the refinement of primary silicon particle.
Fluidity, Fluidity o f Al-alloy, Al-Si alloy, Squeeze Casting, Squeeze Casting of Al-alloy.