pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (26권6호 272-276)
Fabrication of Mg Alloy Foam via Melting Foaming Method Using CaC03 as Blowing Agent
CaC03 를 이용한 발포 마그네슘 합금의 제조
Yang Dong-Hui, Seo Chang-Hwan, Wang Xiao-Song, Hur Bo-Young
Gyeongsang, Nat Univ.
For the first time prepared successfully mechanisms and pore melt can affect CaCO^AZ91 (MgA19Znl) and AM60 (MgA16) Mg alloy foams with homogeneous pore structures were via melting foaming method by using CaC03 powder as blowing agent. The possible foaming structures o f these Mg alloy foams were discussed and investigated. The results show that Mg alloy decomposition behavior and AZ91 Mg alloy is relative easy to be foamed into metal foam with high porosity and big pore size.
Mg alloy foam, Blowing agent, CaC03 powder, Pore structure.