pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (26권3호 133-139)
Effects of Pressure, Superheat and Si Content on the Fluidity of Al-Si Alloy during Squeeze Casting
Al-Si 합금의 용탕 단조시 유동도에 미치는 압력, 과열 및 규소 함량의 영향
Hagju Lee, Ki-Hwan Jung*, Hae-Wook Kw on**
Tongmyoung University, *Daehan special metal co., **Yeungnam University,
The effects of applied pressure, superheat and silicon content on the fluidity of Al-Si alloy during squeeze casting were investigated. The Fluidity of Al-7.0wt%Si alloy during squeeze casting was increased with applied pressure up to 60 MPa, meanwhile it rather decreased beyond that. Therefore, the optimum squeeze casting pressure was 60 MPa. The fluidity was increased with superheat up to 150°C. On the other hand, it rather decreased at the superheat of 200°C. The fluidity of Al-Si alloy during squeeze casting was decreased with silicon content in the range of 0.0~3.0wt%, increased in the range of 3.0-13.0 wt%. The fluidity of Al-15.0 wt%Si alloy was lower than that of Al-13.0 wt%Si alloy.
squeeze casting, fluidity, Al-casting alloy, Al-Si alloy.