pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (26권1호 27-33)
Product Phase Control During Interdiffusion Reactions
상호 확산 반응 중의 생성상 제어
Joon-Sik Park, Ji-Hoon Kim*, John H. Perepezko**
Yonsei University, * Small Business Corporation, **University o f Wisconsin-Madison
Phase evolutions involving nucleation stages together with diffusional growth have been examined in order to provide a guideline for determining rate limiting stages during phase evolutions. In multiphase materials systems in coatings, composites or multilayered structures, diffusion treatments often result in the development of metastable/intermediate phases at the reaction interfaces. The development of metastable phases during solid state interdiffusion demonstrates that the nucleation reaction can be one controlling factor. Also, the concentration gradient and the relative magnitudes of the component diffusivities provide a basis for a phase selection and the application of a kinetic bias strategy in the phase selection. For multicomponent alloy systems, the identification of the operative diffusion pathway is central to control phase formation. Experimental access to the nucleation and growth stage is discussed in thin film multi layers and bulk samples.
Nucleation reaction, Phase selection, Reaction interface