pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (25권2호 88-94)
Characterization of the Ceramic Reinforced AC4C Matrix Composites Processed by Squeeze Casting
용탕단조법으로 제조된 AC4C 합금기 세라믹강화 복합재료의 특성연구
Eok-Soo Kim
University of Ulsan
The microstructure and mechanical property of the ceramic reinforced AC4C matrix composites processed by squeeze casting were investigated. In this study Kaowool and Saffil fiber which are ceramic reinforcements are used as preform materials. As a matrix material, Al-7wt.%Si- 0.3wt.%Mg(AC4C) has been used. In case of Kaowool and Saffil/AC4C composites, 7.5 MPa squeezing pressure and minimum 7.0% binder amount are needed to produce sound composite materials. The tensile strength of Kaowool/ AC4C composite is lower than the matrix metal and this can be explained by the melt unfilling due to formed cluster of Kaowool reinforcements. But the mechanical properties of hardness, wear resistance and thermal expansion are better than the matrix materials due to the strengthening effect of ceramic reinforcements.
Squeeze casting, Al matrix Composite, thermal expansion.