pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (24권6호 331-339)
A Study on Fabrication of Al-Cu alloy bar by Melt-extrusion Process
용탕압출법에 의한 Al-Cu 합금 선재의 제조에 관한 연구
Dae-Heon Joo, Byoung-Soo Lee, Myung-Ho Kim
Inha University
Melt-extrusion process, a metallic melt poured and solidified up to semisolid state in the container can be directly extruded through the die exit to form a product of bar shape without other intermediate processes. In this study, the fabrication characteristics of the process were evaluated with various process parameters, such as preheating temperature of extrusion dies, extrusion temperature and extrusion ratio. AI-Cu alloys were successfully extruded after squeezing out of liquid during melt-extrusion with smaller force compared to the solid extrusion. Soundly AI-Cu alloy bar was fabricated at the preheating temperature of 500~520℃ The range of extrusion temperature for soundly melt-extruded AI-Cu alloy bar was increased with increasing extrusion ratio. Mechanical properties of melt-extruded AI-Cu alloy bars were found change with Cu content of the melt-extruded bars due to the occurrence of segregation. The various extrusion temperature yielded equiaxed structure with a grains size about 200 μm.
Melt-extrusion, Al-Cu alloy, Semi-solid extrusion, Segregation.