pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (24권4호 225-230)
Filling and Solidification Analysis for the Casting Process of Cylinder Liner
실린더 라이너 주조공정에 대한 충전 및 응고해석
Jung-Hoon Kim, Chang-Hee Kim
Research & Development Center, HSD Engine Co.
Computer simulation of mold filling and solidification has been performed in order to analyze the flow and solidification phenomena for the casting process of cylinder liner. The simulation result of mold filling shows that the molten metal flows into the mold in stable without scattering. The simulation results of solidification indicate that the last solidified area is located in the feeder. The temperature variation in casting is measured in actual casting and the result is compared with calculation result.
Cylinder Liner, Casting Process, Mold Filling, Solidification.