pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (24권3호 159-164)
In-situ Synthesis and Investment Casting of Titanium Matrix (TiC+TiB) Hybrid Composites
Ti기 (TiC+TiB) 하이브리드 복합재료 반응생성합성 및 정밀주조
Si-Young Sung, Keun-Chang Park, Sang-Hwa Lee*, Young-Jig Kim
sungkyunkwan University, *Donga University
The aim of the present work is to investigate the possibility of in-situ synthesis and net-shape forming of the titanium matrix (TiC+TiB) hybrid composites using a casting route. From the scanning electron microscopy, electron probe micro-analyzer, X-ray diffraction and thermodynamic calculations, the spherical TiC and needle like TiB reinforced hybrid titanium matrix composites could be obtained in-situ by the conventional melting and casting route between titanium and B4C. No melt-mold reaction occurred between the titanium matrix (TiC+TiB) hybrid composites and the SKK mold, since the mold is consisted with interstitial and substitutional metal-mold reaction products. Not only the sound in-situ synthesis but also the economic net-shape forming of the titanium matrix (TiC+TiB) hybrid composites could be possible by the conventional casting route.
In-situ synthesis, Titanium matrix composites, Investment casting, Alpha-case