pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (24권2호 79-84)
The Effect of Electromagnetic Vibration on Eutectic Si Size in Hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys
아공정 Al-Si합금에 있어서 공정 Si크기에 미치는 전자기진동의 영향
Jung-Pyung Choi, Eui-Pak Yoon, Tae-Woon Nam
Hanyang University
In this study, the electromagnetic vibration is adopted for modifying eutectic Si phase and reducing its size. The higher the current density and frequency of electromagnetic vibration(EMV), the finer the size of eutectic Si phase. The tensile strength and elongation of EMVed alloy were highly improved. Measured twin probability of EMVed alloy at a frequency of 1000 Hz was approximately six times as high as that of the normal alloy. The mechanism for the increase in twin density due to EMV during solidification could be supposed from the fact that the preferential growth along <112> in silicon was suppressed by preventing Si atom from attaching to the growing interface of Si phase and by changing the solid/liquid interfacial energy of silicon. According to the result of UTS test, because of modification of eutectic Si, UTS and elongation are highly increased.
Hypoeutectic, Al-Si alloy, Electromagnetic vibration, Eutectic Si