pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (24권1호 26-33)
The Analysis of Dynamic Pressure in the Molten Flux near the Meniscus during Mold Oscillation for the Continuous Casting of Steel
강의 연속주조시 Mold Oscillation에 따른 Flux층 내의 동적 압력변화 해석
Tae-Ho Park, Ji-Hun Kim*, Joo Choi**, Byung-Joon Ye
Kyungpook National University, *Yonsei University, **Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO
The pressure of the mold flux acting on the meniscus shell was investigated through the coupling analysis of heat transfer in the mold and fluid flow in the flux caused by the mold oscillation. Finite element method was employed to solve the conservation equation associated with appropriate boundary conditions. As reported by previous workers, the axial pressure is positive on the negative strip time and negative on the positive strip time. A maximum pressure is predicted toward the top of the meniscus shell which has the thin shell arid a maximum value is in proportion to the relative mold oscillation velocity. The relative mold oscillation velocity was changed by the effect of meniscus level fluctuation. Therefore the pressure of the mold flux acting o n the meniscus shell was different each cycle of the mold oscillation due to the irregularity of relative mold oscillation velocity
Continuous casting, Oscillation marks, Meniscus shell, Pressure