pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (23권5호 235-243)
Effect of L.D Converter Slag Hardener on the Collapsibility of Sand Molds Using Sodium Silicate Binder
규산소오다계 자경성주형의 붕괴성에 미치는 L.D 전로 슬래그 경화제의 영향
JunOh Choi, SungTaik Park, YunSung Han, Changock Choi
Dong-A University
The collapsibility of sodium silicate-bonded sands mixed with the L.D converter slag powder to form a hardener were investi- gated. Five to six percent sodium silicate on the basis of silica sand and 30-40% L.D converter slag powder on the basis of sodium silicate, were mixed and the compressive strength, surface stability index(SSI), bench time, retained strength of the standard sand specimens were measured. The properties were similar to those of general inorganic bonded self-setting molds. The compressive strength and surface stability index were increased and the retained strength and bench time were decreased with increased amount of the L.D converter slag powder. The retained strength of sodium silicate-bonded self-setting molds with the L.D con- verter slag powder were decreased than CO2 sand molds. The collapsibility of sodium silicate-bonded self-setting molds with the L.D Converter Slag powder were superior in comparison with Co2 sand molds. The L.D converter slag powder could be used as hardener and collapse agent for the sodium silicate-bonded self-setting molds.
L.D convert slag hardener, Sodium silicate bonded self-setting mold, Co2 sand mold, Collapsibility.