pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (23권5호 244-250)
Fabrication of Composite Filler Metal by Melt Infiltration
용탕 침투법을 이용한 복합 삽입 금속의 제조
Heung-II Park, Ji-Tae Kim*, Woo-Yeol Kim
Pukyong National University, *Graduate School of Pukyong National University
The aim of this study is fabricating of composite filler metal (CFM) by a combination of selective laser sintering (SLS) of stainless steel powders (RapidSteel 2.oT” and liquid phase infiltration of Ag-28 wt.%Cu alloy. Porous stainless steel body with inter-connected pore channels was fabricated by SLS, binder decomposing and densification processes. By the direct contact infiltration, the narrow inter-particle channels of the porous body were completely filled with the Ag-28 wt.%Cu alloy infiltrant. During infiltration, the dissolved elements of Fe, Ni and Cr from the porous body were solved into copper solid solution phases, which consist of eutectic structure of composite metal matrix. The S1oC/CFlV[/SIOC joints, which have narrow clearance gaps between them up to 10 micrometers, were joined successfully by self-feeding of filler metal from the matrix of CFM. The CFM kept its original thickness and microstructure after brazing. The tensile strength of brazed specimen was higher than 30 kgf/mmz and showed a typical ductile fracture mode in the CFM.
Composite filler metal, Selective laser sinteiing, Melt infiltration, Brazing