pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (21권6호 336-342)
Effects of Hf Addition on Microstructure and Hot Workability of Fe-30at.%A1-5at.%Cr Alloy
Hf가 첨가된 Fe-30at.%A1-5at.%Cr 합금의 미세조직 및 열간압연가공 특성
Kye-Lim Yoon, Doh-Jae Lee, Dae-Hwa Baek*, Kyung-Ku Lee**
Chonnam National University, *Gwangju Chonnam Regional Small and Medium Business Office, **Hanlyo University
This study was carried out to examine the effects of adding 0.3at.%Hf in Fe-30at.%Al-5at.%Cr alloy on the variation of microstructures and hot workability. The effect of hot rolling on mechanical properties was estimated by measuring the elongation and tensile strength after rolling at 800 and 1000 respectively. Microstructure of Fe-30at.%Al-5at.%Cr alloy was consisted of large equiaxed grains and it was changed to quasi-equiaxed or columnar structures by adding 0.3at.%Hf to Fe-30at.%Al-5at.%Cr alloy. Every specimens showed a decreased tensile strength after hot rolling compared to that of before rolling. The elongation was increased by hot rolling. Remarkable changes in elongation by hot rollong was observed such as from 1.4% to 4.5% elongation at the specimen of 0.3at.%Hf added to Fe-30at.%Al-5at.%Cr. Fe-30at.%Al-5at.%Cr alloy showed typical cleavage fracture on tensile failure and hot rolling has negligible effects on fracture mode in this alloy. However at the alloy containing Hf fracture mode was changed by hot rolling from intergranular to mixed intergranular and transgranular fracture mode.
Intermetallic Compound, Rolling, Workability, Strength