pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (20권6호 377-385)
Heat and Wear Resistance Characterization of SiCp Reinforced Al Matrix Composites
SiCp입자강화 Al 복합재료의 내열 및 마모특성
Sug-Won Kim, Wan-Ki Kim, Kee-Do Woo, Haeng-Keun Ahn
Chonbuk National University
A1 matrix composites as the most promising MMCS can be expected to be excellent engineering materials in the nearest future. So as to improve material properties of composite, many manufacturing processes have been developed. Among them, squeeze casting process which offers fine microstructure and near-net-shape is one of the most successful MMCS manufactur-ing processes. But, in case of with subsieve size particles (under 44 um), it is very difficult to homogeneously distribute parti- cles in matrix of Al matrix composite by various casting processes, including squeeze casting used so far. Duplex process which was developed in previous study was used to distribute the particle of subsieve size more homogeneously in matrix of Al matrix composite. Microstructures, wear and heat resistance characterization of Al-Si-Cu-Mg-(Ni)/SiCp manufactured by duplex pro- cess were examined to clarify the effect of manufacturing conditions, particle size of reinforcement and alloying elements. Al matrix composites reinforced with SiCp(lo pm) have the lowest wear amount among composites reinforced with 3 pm, 5 pm and 10 um SiCp. The wear amount of Al matrix composites with 10 wt.% SiCp(3, 5, 10 um) was decreased according to the increase of the sliding speed because abrasive wear takes place at high sliding speed of 4 m/s and worn debris with block type occurs at low sliding speed of lm/s. As for heat resistance, it is made clear that remarkable heat resistance property can be obtained by addition of Ni element in Al matrix composites.