pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (20권4호 240-246)
Effects of Alloying Elements on the High Pressure Wear Characteristics of Ductile Cast Iron II - Silicon and Molybdenum
구상흑연주철의 고압하 마멸특성에 미치는 합금원소의 영향 II-Si, Mo
Woong-Ho Bang, Choon-Sik Kang, Jae-Hyun Park* Young-Gak Kweon*
Seoul National University, *Research Institute of Industrial Science & Engineering
Surface layer properties such as composition, phase, hardness, and oxide layer condition are very important if the main failure mechanism of metals is wear. Generally, stable and dense oxide layers are known to decrease the wear rate of metals by prohibition of metallic junction occurred between bare metals. Addition of Si above 4 wt% to DCI(Ductile Cast Iron) is reported to enhance the significant oxidation resistance by forming the silicon-rich surface layer which inhibits further oxidation. And addition of up to 2 wt% Mo to high Si ductile iron produces significant increases in high temperature tensile strength, creep strength, thermal fatigue resistance and oxidation resistance. High pressure wear characteristics of unalloyed DCI(Ductile cast Iron), 4.46 wt% Si ductile iron, 4.3 wt% Si-0.52 wt% Mo ductile iron were investigated through unlubricated pin-on- disc wear test. Wear test was carried out at speed of 23m/min, under pressure of 3 MPa and 3.3 MPa. Wear surfaces of each specimen were observed by SEM to determine the wear mechanism under high pressure wear condition. Addition of Si 4.46 wt% severely deteriorated wear property of ductile iron compared to unalloyed DCI. But combined addition of Si 4.3 wt%andMo0.52wt%decreasedthefrictioncoefficient(μ)ofductileironsandremarkablydelayedthemild- severeweartransition.