pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (20권4호 254-259)
Microstructure and Wear Property of Al-5Mg-X(Si₁Cu₁Ti)/SiCp Composites Fabricated by Pressureless Infiltration Method
무가압 침투법에 의해 제조된 Al-5Mg-X(Si₁Cu₁Ti)/SiCp 복합재료의 조직 및 마멸특성
Kee-Do Woo, Sug-Won Kim, Haeng-Keun Ahn, Jin-Ho Jeong*
*Dongbang Special Steel Co., Chonbuk National University
Metal matrix composites(MMCs) reinforced with hard particles have many potential application in aerospace structures, auto parts, semiconductor package, heat resistant panels, wear resistant materials and so on. In this work, the effect of SiC partioi sizes(50 and 100 um) and additional elements such as Si, Cu and Ti on the microstructure and the wear property of Al-5Mg- X(Si,Cu,Ti)/SiCp composites produced by pressureless infiltration method have been investigated using optical microscopy, scarming eletron microcopy(SEM) with EDS(energy dispersive spectrometry), hardness test, X-ray difi°ractometerO(RD) and wear test. In present study, the sound Al-5Mg-X(Si, Cu,Ti)/SiCp(50 and 100 ,um) composites were fabricated by pressureless infiltration method. The Al-5Mg-0.3Si-0.lCu-0.1Ti/SiCP composite with 50 um size of SiC particle has higher hardness and better wear property than any other composite with loopm size of SiC particle produced by pressureless infiltration method. The hardness and wear property ofAl-5Mg/SiCP(50 and 100 flrn) composites were enhanced by the addition of Si, Cu and Ti in Al- 5%Mg matrix alloy.