pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (20권2호 80-88)
Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer and Solidification in the Continuous Casting Process of Metallic Uranium Rod
금속 우라늄봉의 연속주조공정에 대한 열전달 및 응고해석
Ju-Chan Lee, Yoon-Sang Lee, Seung-Chul Oh, Young-Joon Shin
Korea Atomic Energy Institute
Continuous casting equipment was designed to cast the metallic uranium rods, and a thermal analysis was carried out to calculate the temperature and solidification profiles. Fluid flow and heat transfer analysis model including the effects of phase change was used to simulate the continuous casting process by finite volume method. In the design of continuous casting equipment, the casting speed, pouring temperature and cooling conditions should be considered as significant factors. In this study, the effects of casting speed, pouring temperature, and air gap between the uranium and mold were investigate. The results represented that the temperature and solidification profiles of continuous casting equipment varied with the casting speed, pouring temperature, and air gap.