pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (19권5호 403-409)
Effect of Zinc and Zirconium on Microstructure and Mechanical Property in Squeeze Cast Magnesium Alloy
용탕단조 마그네슘합금의 조직과 기계적 성질에 미치는 Zn과 Zr의 영향
Young-Doo Choi, Jung-ChulChoi, Si-Young Chang*
Ajou University, *Korea Institute of Industry and Technology Information
Mg-Zn-Zr ternary alloys containing 6wt% Zn and (0, 0.4, 0.6)wt% Zr, which is added for grain refinement, can be cast into complex shape by squeeze casting. The influence of Zn and Zr as additional elements on microstructure and mechanical charac- teristics is investigated by OM, SEM, WDX, XRD and microvickers hardness measurement. The microstructure of Mg-Zn-Zr alloys consists of primary 0: -Mg and MgZn eutectic compound between dendrites. The grain size is decreased from l3§urn to 97 pm by Zr addition, resulting in that the hardness is increased from 42Hv to 59Hv. Furthermore, the grain size is changed to 8313} and the hardness is increased to 65Hv by additional infiltration pressure. These results indicate that the Zr addition anchddi- tional infiltration pressure are effective for grain refinement acting as an important factor to increase the hardness. The incnment in hardness bythe Zr addition is slightly largerthanthatby the additional infiltration pressure.