pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (19권1호 66-70)
Influence of Applied Pressure on the Microstructure of NCG Reinforced MMC Fabricated by Squeeze Casting
용탕단조법으로 제조된 니켈코팅흑연화이버 강화 금속복합재료의 미세조직에 대한 가압력의 영향
Yong-Mun Ryu, Eui-Park Yoon
Hanyang University
In order to increase the wettability between ceramic fiber and metal matrix, ceramic fibers are generally coated with metal. In this paper, we examined how the nickel layers coated on continuous graphite fiber to increase the wettability are affected with variation applied pressure. In order to examine the behavior of nickel layer with variation of applied pressure, microstructure and nickel mapping of composites were investigated with SEM, and tensile properties of the composite were tested with UTM. As the applied pressure increases, nickel layers were resolved into the aluminum matrix and ultimate tensile strength of the composite decreased.