pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (18권6호 578-585)
Production of Automobile Al Wheel by Low-Pressure Die Casting (I) : Flow and Solidification Simulation
저압주조에 의한 자동차 Al Wheel의 제조(I) : 유동 및 응고해석
In-Ho Choo, Sung-Kon Yu, Jeong-Kil Choi*
Keimyung University, *KITECH
A multi-purpose code MAGMA was employed for mold design and process control in producing Al wheel by lowpressure die casting. Three-dimensional solid modeling was followed by mesh generation of casting and molds(top, bottom and side). The simulation of stability of casting cycle time, mold filling simulation with pressure variation from P1 to P2, solidification simulation by solidification time and feeding criteria, and temperature distribution of molds during processes were studied in this research. The thermal stability of molds was attained after 5 cycles when molds were preheated at 400℃. The pressure increase from P1 to P2 for mold filling was evaluated as slightly higher, and 6 seconds were taken for the mold filling. The cycle time was believed to be designed properly judged from the solidification time of casting and open/close time of molds.