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pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381


한국주조공학회지 (17권5호 443-449)

Effects of P Addition and Homogenizing Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Centrifugal Cast Cu-Sn-Ni-P Alloy

원심주조한 Cu-Sn-Ni-Pb계 합금의 기계적 성질에 미치는 P첨가와 균질화 처리의 영향

Young-Hwan Kwon, Chang-Wooing Jea*, Jae-Hong Yoon**, Chang-Yong Kang*** , Chang-Gyu Kim***

Poong San Industry Co., *Chang-Won Poly Technic College, **Chang-Won National University, ***Pukyong National University


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of P addition and homogenizing heat treatment on the mechanical properties of Cu-Sn-Ni alloy. The addition of P was 0.025wt.%P to 0.085wt.%P and homogenizing heat-treated at 400, 500, 600℃ under N₂gas atmosphere. Mechanical properties was investigated in this study were Rockwell hardness, tensile strength, and elongation. Tensile strength and elongation increased with P and homogenizing time. Temperature was significantly influence on mechanical properties. Hardness decreased with increasing homogenizing time and temperature, but 0.085wt.%P specimen was showed higher hardness and lower tensile strength and elongation than 0.073wt.%P specimen due to the presence of more Cu₃P in matrix.
