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pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381


한국주조공학회지 (17권1호 36-50)

Effect of Carbide Forming Elements on Hardness and Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Low Thermal Expansive Cast Irons

저 열팽창 주철의 경도향상 및 선팽창계수에 미치는 탄화물 형성원소의 영향

Byung-Moon Moon, Chun-Pyo Hong

Yonsei University


Invar-type austenitic cast irons are being used as low thermal expansive materials because of its good low thermal expansion characteristics and castability despite its low hardness. The effects of alloying elements such as Cr, Ti, V, and Mo on hardness and linear thermal expansion coefficient of the invar-type austenitic cast irons were investigated. A combined use of V and Mo addition was found to be the most effective for the improvement of hardness without causing an increase in the thermal expansion coefficient. With a combined addition of 4.6wt%V and 3.8wt%Mo, the hardness increased up to 180HB and the thermal expansion coefficient was kept at a relatively low value of 4.6X10^{-6}/℃ in the temperature range from room to 250℃ 수식 이미지.
