pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (16권2호 141-148)
Effects of Mo on the Microstructure and Hardness in High Chromium Cast Irons
Mo가 고크롬주철의 조직 및 경도에 미치는 영향
Sung-Kon Yu
Keimyung University
In high chromium cast iron, the control of matrix microstructure as well as carbide structure is important to the performance as a wear resistant material. In this study, 3.0% C-24.0% Cr white cast irons with various molybdenum contents(residual, 1.0%, 3.0% and 5.0%) were solidified conventionally and unidirectionally for studying their effects on the microstructure and hardness. In the conventional casting, two sets of castings were poured from each melt. One set of the castings consisted of cylindrical bars of 10 and 20mm by 155mm long. The second set of the castings was a cylindrical bar of 30mm by 200mm long. On the other hand, a pep-set mold set on the Cu plate was employed to make the solidification unidirectionally. X-ray diffraction method was used to observe retained austenite and carbides in the high chromium cast iron. The morphology of eutectic M_7C_3carbides changed from needle-like type to nodular type with the increase of Mo content. And, the presence of M_2C carbides was identified in the sample where Mo was added over 3.0 %. Primary and eutectic carbides appeared as rod type and corngrain type, respectively in the unidirectionally solidified samples which were cut to parallel to the solidification direction. In the EDX analysis, Cr concentration was higher in the primary and eutectic M_7C_3 carbides, Mo in the M_2C carbides, and Fe in the matrix.