pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (15권5호 459-468)
Microstructure and Tensile Property of Rapidly Solidified Al-Be alloy
급속응고한 Al-Be합금의 미세조직 및 인장특성
In-Woo Lee, Hyun-Ho Park, Myung-Ho Kim
Inha University
For high performance aerospace structures, the properties of highest priority are low density, high strength, and high stiffness(modulus of elasticity). Addition of beryllium decrease the density of the aluminum alloy and increase the strength and the stiffness of the alloy. However it is very difficult to produce the Al-Be alloy having useful engineering properties by conventional ingot casting, because of the extremely limited solid solubility of beryllium in aluminum. So, rapid solidification processing is necessary to obtain extended solid solubility. In this study, rapidly solidified Al-6 at% Be alloy were prepared by twin roll melt spinning process and single roll melt spinning process. Twin roll melt spun ribbons were extruded at 450℃ with reduction in area of 25 : 1 after vacuum hot pressing at 550℃ and 375℃ . The microstructure of melt spun ribbon exhibited a refined cellular microstructure with dispersed Be particles. As advance velocity of liquid/solid interface increase, the morphology of Be particle vary from rod-like type to spherical type and the crystal structure of Be particle from HCP to BCC. These microstructural characteristics of rapidly solidified Al-6at.%Be alloy were described on the basis of metastable phase diagram proposed by Perepezko and Boettinger. The extruded ribbon consisted of recrystallized grains dispersed with Be particles and exhibited improved tensile property compared with that of extruded ingot.