pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (15권5호 477-482)
Analysis of Energy and Material Balance in Smelting Process of Waste Sand
폐주물사의 용융공정에서의 물질 및 에너지 수지의 해석
Won-Sub Chung, Dong-Jun Min*, Su-Jong Yoon**
Pusan National University, *Yonsei University, **Miryang University
A computer simulation model of various smelting process for melting waste sand was developed by using energy and material balance concept. This model can predict the coal, flux and oxygen consumption and the volume and temperature of off-gas. The major critical variables for smelting process can be explained by using the analysis of energy and material balance. The major conclusions were as follows; 1. The most important variables for smelting process were high post-combustion ratio, high heat transfer efficiency and refractory protection technology. 2. For saving energy in this smelting process, selection of raw materials i.e coal, flux are very important, espacially using of low volatile coal is very profitable. 3. The treatment cost of waste sand is high and environmental restriction is severe, in this reason we must be concerned in the treatment of waste sand by smelting process.