pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (15권2호 164-174)
Solidification Behaviors of the Rapidly Solidified Metallic Powders and Development of the Powder Making Process.;Part I : Development of the Powder Making Process
급속응고된 금속분말의 응고거동 및 제조법에 관한 연구;Part I : 급속응고 제조법
Jong-Yoon Kim, Woo-Young Yoon*
Korea University, *Chungnam National University
New metallic powder making processes, named "Centrifugal Emulsification Process(CEP)" and "Mixer and Settler(MS)" have been developed to synthesize rapid solidified metallic powders. Through CEP and MS processings, the high temperature metals as well as the low temperature alloys are manufactured. Also, the effects of rapid solidification on the undercooling, solidification rate and crystallization behaviors can be evaluated effectively through the processes. The standard deviations of the synthesized typical Pb-Sn eutectic powders are 1.63 and 1.51 for CEP and MS respectively, and the average size of the MS powders was 18μм.. The possibility of the customized not only size and shape control but microstructure control was also shown. Both of the new methods can be applied to continuous powder making processes.