pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (31권6호 336-341)
Thermal Insulation Improvement by Laminated Adiabatic Structure Change in Holding Furnace with Molten Aluminum Alloy
알루미늄 용탕 보온용기의 단열재 적층구조 변경을 통한 보온성 향상
June-Sun Hwang, Chung-Gil Kang
Pusan National University
Recently, aluminium usage in the automobile industry has been increased cause of its lightweight. The aluminium has a meltingsolidification process in producing line and another melting process was needed in manufacturing process. Two times of melting process for making ingot and casting not only makes the loss of time and money but contaminates the air with Sox, Nox. For this reason, the holding furnace with laminated adiabatic material was developed. This holding furnace can deliver the molten aluminium directly to the industry needing molten aluminium. Recent holding furnace has above 15oC/h of cooling rate and that causes solidification of molten aluminium. The ANSYS software was used to analysis the heat transfer. The adiabatic materials were laminated with optimized arrangement and holding furnace shape was changed with optimized modelling by ANSYS analysis for reducing the cooling rate of molten aluminium in holding furnace.
Holding furnace, Laminated adiabatic structure, Thermal insulation, Temperature reduction.