pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (14권6호 530-540)
Characteristics in Microstructure of Particle Reinforced Al Matrix Composites Fabricated by Spray-Cast Forming Process
분사주조한 입자강화 알루미늄 복합재료의 미세조직 특성
Chong-Sung Park, ln-Woo Lee, Myung-Ho Kim
Inha University
Aluminium-silicon alloy(JIS AC8A) matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles were fabricated by spray-cast forming process, and the microstructure of powders and preforms produced were studied by using an optical and scanning electron microscopy. SiC particles were co-sprayed by mixed phase injection method during the spray casting process. Most of the composite powders formed by this mixed phase injection method exhibit morphology of particle-embedded type, and some exhibits the morphology of particle attached type due to additional attachment of the SiC particles on the surface of the powders in flight. The preforms deposited were resulted in dispersed type microstructure. The pre-solidified droplets and the deposited preform of SiC- reinforced aluminium alloy exhibit finer equiaxed grain size than that of unreinforced aluminium alloy. Eutectic silicons of granular type are crystallized at the corner of the aluminum grains in the preforms deposited, and some SiC particles seem to act as nucleation sites for primary/eutectic silicon during solidification. Such primary/eutectic silicons seem to retard grain growth during the continued spray casting process. It is envisaged from the microstructural observations for the deposited preform that the resultant distribution of SiC injected particles in the Al-Si microsturcture is affected by the amount of liquid phase in the top part of the preform and by the solidification rate of the preform deposited.