pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (14권1호 75-81)
A Study for the Effects of Boron Addition on Machinability and Wear Resistance of Ductile Cast Iron
구상흑연주철의 피절삭성과 내마모성에 미치는 Boron 첨가의 효과에 관한 연구
Yang-Jin Choi*, Byung.-Yehp Lee*, Hyuk-Mu Kwon**, Sang-Han Baek***, Yong-Jin Park***
*Daejeon National University of Technology, **Chungnam National University, ***Hong-Ik University
It is very important to obtain high performance ductile iron by addition a small amount of alloying elements. In this study, to improve the characteristics of small piston ring casted from ductile iron melt a small amount of boron(0~0.008wt.%) that is powerful carbide stabilizer was added in ductile iron, and inspected it`s effects on the microstructure, wear resistance, machinability and mechanical properties. The results obtained from this study are as follows. 1. As the amount of boron increased to 0.04wt.%, the machinability of ductile iron is increased, and if the amount is in excess of 0.04wt.% the machinability is decreased conversely. 2. The wear resistance of ductile iron is improved by boron addition. 3. The recommended ladle addition of boron amount ranges from 0.04wt.% to 0.06wt.% for the use of small piston ring.