pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (13권3호 248-258)
Fabrication of Al_2O_3/Al Composite Materials by Mashy State Forming and its Hot Extrusion Process
반용융가공에 의한 Al_2O_3/Al 복합재료의 제조 및 열간압출공정
Chung-Gil Kang*, Sung-Soo Kang**
*Pusan National University, **Pusan National University
A semi-solid alloy in which solid and liquid phase are co-existing is obtained by stirring of A17075 molten metal. A semi-solid alloy is dependent on the corresponding temperature within the solid-liquid range, and the process parameters should be controlled accurately to obtain the homogeneous semisolid alloy. The fabrication possibility of fiber-reinforced aluminum alloy containing Al_2O_3 short fibers with vigorous agitation of short fibers were obtained by control of stirring time, solid fraction and impeller speed in extrusion billet fabrication processes. The microstructure to extrusion billet fabricated by low pressure casting was investigated for fiber dispersion state. The relationship between the extrustion force and velocity at hot extrustion, the flow strain and extrusion ratio were theoretically described. The surface defects with lubricants and without lubricant after hot extrusion were investigated. The composites materials after hot extrusion were measured by vickers hardness with extrusion ratio. It has become clear that the secondary working such as hot extrusion was very useful to obtained improved the mechanical properties of metal matrix composites.