pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (13권3호 276-284)
A Study on Development of High Strength and Wear Resistance Intermetallic Compounds/Al Matrix Composites
고강도 내마모 금속간화합물/Al기지 복합재료의 개발을 위한 기초연구
Dap-Chun Choi*, Kyung-Ku Lee*, Ho-Jong Lee**, Whe-Bong Ghi***
*Chonnam National University, **Suncheon University, ***ASIA Motors Co.
The interfacial phenomena between intermetallic compounds and Al matrix have been studied at 680℃ for various holding time under argon atmosphere. Model experiments were performed using Fe, Ni and Ti wire to observe the interfacial phenomena. The interfacial phenomena between intermetallic compounds and Al matrix were analysed by optical microscope, SEM and EDX. The results of EDX and XRD showed that the interfacial zones of intermetallic compounds/Al matrix were composed of several intermetallic layers. The reaction layer was varied with holding time and heating temperature. The investigation of interfacial zones in the specimen as a function of heat treatment time at 680℃ indicated that the best heat treatment condition for squeeze casting was 680℃ for 5min.